2024 5th International Conference on Modern Education and Information Management (ICMEIM 2024)
Home / Venue


ICMEIM 2024 will be held in Jinan, China from September 06-08, 2024. For further information of the hotel, please find below.

- Liangyou Fulin Hotel (Jinan Quancheng Square Daming Lake Branch)  -

地址2.pngHotel Address: 5 Luoyuan Street, Lixia District, Jinan

>> Standard room: RMB 315/ night (about USD 43.7/ night). (Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included)

>> Standard single room: RMB 350/ night (about USD 48.6/ night). (One bed, Internet and one breakfast included)

>>Twin room with spring view:RMB350/ night (about USD 48.6/ night). Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included)

Ⅱ. Accommodation:Please click the link below and fill in the room reservation information to enjoy the agreed price. For details, please contact Manager Xin at +8613969193727 (WeChat ID).



Ⅲ. Direction:

* Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport: 33.8km;40mins

*Daminghu Station: 4.8km; 15mins
